Saturday, July 13, 2013

Relationship Reflection

    Relationships and partnerships are important to me because they create support and trust between people.  Everyone needs at least one source of support in order to have the feeling of belonging to society.  Having healthy social relationships enables us to discuss issues we have, assist one another and also learn more about ourselves.   
      One of the positive relationships I have is with my husband;  we have been married for a little more than a year and we have been going through life together. We support each other's ideas and we help each other through tough times.  Because we are both working and studying to improve our lifestyle, I believe that our relationship can also be considered a partnership.      
       Another positive relationship I have is with my parents, they have both been very supportive and always encouraged me to do more with my life.  They have always guided me and helped me make the right decisions. 
     The relationship I have with my colleagues at work is also a positive one.  We spend a lot of time together at work to discuss any challenges we face or to exchange advice and information.        

      Contributing to these positive relationships helped me become a better person and teacher; I have learned a lot from my parents and I have received so much support from them, so I try to give the same kind of support to my students.  Learning to listen to others and understand their ideas or problems helped me become more understanding and flexible while talking to my students' parents.   


  1. Ghayana,
    Listening is an important part of the communication process. Relationships thrive when there is two-way communication between parties. Listening to young children is also important in building relationships with them.
    Great post!

  2. Ghayana,

    I enjoyed reading your blog post. Communication is an important part of a any positive relationship. One be willing to engage in reflective listening to enhance all relationships. It sounds like you are off to a great start to becoming a highly-qualified early childhood professional.
