Saturday, August 10, 2013

My Supports

The people who support me the most are my husband, who is also my best friend, and my parents and siblings;  I am the youngest in the family so they were always there to offer their help and support whenever I needed them.  My husband and I went through hard times and we provided support to each other, otherwise we wouldn’t have got back on our feet.

One of the challenges we are facing is that we are trying to move to the U.S; my sister who already lives there is helping us through emotional support, she has been encouraging us for a long time.  Even though moving would mean being very far away from my parents, they are the ones who are giving us the most support because they want us to have a better life.  My sister's husband is also giving my husband advice for finding a job because they work in the same field.  Knowing that we have a family supporting us is a great benefit; we know we can count on them whenever we need help.  I think that we wouldn’t be able to take this step without them. 


  1. Hi Ghayna,

    It is wonderful to have support as you do. I know what you are going through trying to come to America. My friend's son is trying to get his papers to leave Jamaica. We are trying to help him in everyway we can. We all need positive support each and everyday. I tend to run away when people start talking negative around me. Misery loves company, but I do like misery. Wonderful post.

    Joyce Galloway

  2. Hi Ghayna,

    I really enjoyed your post. It is always a good thing to have family you can count on in your time of need.

  3. Hello Ghayna,

    Your blog post was quite nice. It is wonderful to have good family support. I know without my family I could not have accomplished all of the things I've done.
