Saturday, September 7, 2013

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

Since I do not live in the United States, I have chosen one of my colleagues as a professional contact.  I have also contacted a former colleague who now works in Jordan to discuss early childhood issues and trends.  I am looking forward to learn about trends in other countries and to share ideas with international early childhood professionals. 

            In order to expand my resources in the early childhood field, I have already subscribed to several newsletters (NIEER, NAEYC, Zero to Three and Save the Children).  This has helped me stay up to date with international news and trends in the early childhood field.  


  1. Thank you for sharing how you are working to contact other professionals! I look forward to hearing more about how this process is going for you!

  2. Hi Ghayna,

    That is a great idea to subscribe to different newsletters! I have subscribed to Zero to Three for a couple years now. I was introduced to this organization through an Infant Mental Health course I took at Walden.

    Good luck with your correspondence!

    Liz Thomas

  3. Hi Ghayna,

    I love Zero to Three magazine. I work with three year old children and there is a plethora of information in each issue. I know this is going to be very interesting learning about how other countries function in the early childhood field. You sound like you are off to a great start.

    Joyce Galloway
