Saturday, March 28, 2015

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

The first organization that I chose is the National Association for the Education of Young Children.  The NAEYC’s mission statement is to promote high-quality early learning for all children (NAEYC, n.d.); that is what appealed to me most in this organization.  All children, regardless of their background, deserve to have access to a quality education.  The values and principles of the NAEYC make it an inclusive organization that gives early childhood programs guidelines to providing quality services to families and children. 
The second organization that I chose is the National Institute for Early Education Research.  The NIEER conducts and communicates research to support high-quality, effective early childhood education for all young children (NIEER, 2015).  I have been following the NIEER newsletters and I have learned a lot from their research.
The third organization that I chose is the Diversity in Early Childhood Education and Training.  The DECET promotes quality education that supports diversity and that is free of discrimination.  This network will actually provide me with resources that I could use for my capstone project. 
These organizations are a great asset to the early childhood field and I would be interested in working with them to create positive change.  There are several positions available such as assistant research professor and data collector.  These positions would require me to collect and analyze data, and manage field studies.  The position I am interested in is being the director of a childcare center; I think it would allow me to make positive changes in young children’s education.

Diversity in Early Childhood Education and Training (2015).  Retrieved from
National Association for the Education of Young Children (n.d.).  Retrieved form
National Institute for Early Education Research (2015). Retrieved from


  1. Hello Ghinah,

    You chose three great organizations. Furthermore, I believe The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is one of the most trustworthy organization for the good of all children. I first learned about the NAEYC, when I earned my associate degree. However this was after I had already had my children, and I was a stay at home mom. Moreover, I believe if I had not chosen to be an Early Childhood Professional I probably would not know of them now. Nonetheless, I feel if all child care providers would provide families with information from this organization, then families could look at a center for themselves and realize early on if the child care center, or private owned center is qualified as being able to provide effectively for their child. I also believe if all child care centers, and private owned centers alike providing child care services had to be accredited through the NAEYC, then there would not be any problems with all children receiving quality care.

    Really great organizations for reliable resources!

  2. Diversity training is always useful in the early childhood field and quality early childhood teachers are always looking to promote diversity and multicultural activities within their classroom. I will review this resource when looking for resources about diversity.

    NAEYC is my go to site when I am looking for resources. I ensure ALL my team members now about NAEYC. Can you believe there are ECE professionals that don't know about this organization? I will never let that happen in my environment. NAEYC plays such an important role in our field, It is a tragedy for a ECE professional not to know. It sounds like you recognize their importance.

  3. Dear Ghinah,
    I must say like Edith already said, you choice great organisations. I must say I agree with you that every child needs a good start in life. For anyone desiring to make a positive change manner in the field of ECD like you and I can make use of NAEYC.

    Thank you for your post.
